about us

We started operating Creative Arts Safaris, hands-on textile and creative arts tours in 2004; since then we have established a home near Pushkar, Rajasthan;

Textiles are our major focus; we run our textile tours and in support of fairtrade and beautiful workmmanship we operate

The Stitching Project

We are Fiona Wright and Kanhiya Lal [Praveen Nayak to his mates]

 We live in a beautiful area on the edge of the Thar Desert in Rajasthan, India. It is the desert though, and life can be quite difficult for many of our neighbors.

For me, Fiona, textiles have been a major interest since a small child and a career in various guises for much of my life [see http://www.fionawright.com/]

Praveen has been a late bloomer in this field, starting to get hooked as we researched for our hands-on creative arts tours It was when he discovered the existence of Fair Trade projects here in India that he really became inspired by what you could do for others whilst building your own business.

We are very interested in knowing the people and the methods of production in the garments we make, we ensure all people we deal with are fairly re-numerated for their work and want to create as much work as we can for as many hands as possible.